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Sunday, January 16, 2011



Let Google Find Your Keyword

Anyone can optimize a web page. All you do is download WebCEO and go at it. The question is what keyword should you use?

There are two ways to determine your keyword:

1. You can guess
2. You can let Google tell you what your keyword is.

Most people don't know but Google actually tells you the keyword for your web page. There is a little known feature in the Google keyword finder tool that actually tells you what your keyword should be. Choosing the correct keyword is important because if the keyword doesn't match the content the page will never rank. Also, if you optimize a webpage for a keyword no one uses it won't work either.

That's why Google's keyword tool is such a powerful trick. Take a webpage and run it through the keyword tool. It returns with what Google thinks is your best keyword. Google offers the capability to sell advertising, however it's perfect for organic SEO too. When you optimize for Google's preferred keyword, your content and keyword are automatically aligned. Alignment gives you the best chance of ranking.

Here is the process to determine Google's preferred keyword for a webpage:

1. Go to Google's keyword tool:

2. Open a new tab. Go to your web page.
3. Copy the link (URL) to the clipboard
4. Paste the link (URL) into the Website field in the keyword tool.
5. Click search

Google returns with recommended keywords for your page. How cool is that? They also tell you monthly search volume, competition rating, and pay-per-click cost for each keyword. Now you know what to shoot for.

This quick check gives you the right keyword and the best chance of ranking. This is a better strategy than guessing what you think the keyword should be.

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